For the last 9 years artist, illustrator and musician Nicolas Burrows recorded and performed under the name ‘Glaciers’, releasing two albums and a handful of EPs, and performing regularly in the UK and sat festivals in Canada, Norway and Portugal. ‘A Shimmering Beast’ is the last ever release under the name ‘Glaciers’ and brings the project full-circle to where it began, in Norway in the summer of 2006.
“It was in the islands, hills, fjords and of course glaciers (I chose the name after visiting Nigardsbreen in Sogn og Fjordane) of north-west Norway that I found something to write about. Up until that point I had been in various bands, and was bored with what I was doing musically. My writings and thinking from my time wandering around Norway became the basis for a small collection of songs which I recorded back in the UK, and which lies at the heart of all the Glaciers material. Through my interest at that time in Norwegian art and music, one of the first songs I made ended up on Metronomicon 4.0, and now the very last collection of songs is ending up on the label too”
Nicolas is currently writing and recording under the name ‘Fell’.
De siste 9 årene har kunstneren, illustratøren og musikeren Nicolas Burrows spilt inn og opptrådt under navnet “Glaciers” Han har sluppet to album og en håndfull EPer, og har spilt regelmessig i Storbritannia samt på festivaler i Canada, Norge og Portugal. ’A Shimmering Beast “er siste utgivelse under navnet “Glaciers” før prosjektet bytter navn til “Fell”. Dette er en full sirkel til der prosjektet begynte, i Norge sommeren 2006.
Nicolas skriver og spiller fortiden inn under navnet ‘Fell’.