Hanny: Uncanny Twilight
Release: 15 June 2013 (Out now!)
Music for a fluorescent summer
If you want to hear the soundtrack of Oslo’s light and rainy summers, or the complexity arising when instruments like harp and Solina-synth are blended with metropolitan rap, do look forward to Hanny’s new 7″ vinyl. The release is a firework of epic and soulful music, coupled with electro and windy texts in English and French. An animated sleeve and fluorescent vinyl, created by the renowned designers of Yokoland, mirror this atmosphere.
These are catchy songs both touching the dark and holding on to high-spirit vibes, says lead singer and songwriter Marie Therese Kvamme.
The band has played shows on most of Oslo’s venues, released two celebrated albums and taken part in countless side projects. Hanny has evolved by collaborating on this EP with the Chicago-based rapper Malik Kvamme. Producer Jon Platou Selvig aka E▲SY has previously produced Metronomicon artist Ergo’s record Mountaineering.
Release Concert:
Live: Hanny + Le Corbeau
15 June 2013 at 21.00h, Deichmanske bibliotek, Schous plass, Oslo.
Cc: 100,- including vinyl.